Spiders are such unwelcome visitors

First trap your large eight-legged invader before releasing it outside

First trap your large eight-legged invader before releasing it outside

THERE is some comfort in knowing that The Happy Moonraker is not the only one whose space has been invaded by the odd house spider. They are so huge, so alien, so un-likeable that it even pains me to write about them. I’ve found myself having to deal with three in as many weeks.

However much I can’t bear them, I could never kill one, whatever its size. I have been brainwashed into believing that they are useful creatures but my only wish is that they would get on and be useful away from me. Having shared space with huntsman spiders, funnel webs and red backs in other parts of the world, I still don’t like them and wish they would all leave me alone.

I can never forgive a huntsman spider, which is really big and hairy, for its habit of hiding behind car sun visors and then landing on the driver’s lap when the sun visor is moved. Sneaky or what?

The best way to deal with the big ones is to trap them in a spider box which has a long handle. This has a sliding base which you open before placing the box over the offender. Then you gently kick the lid closed before carefully carrying it outside. Job done. After a few minutes your heart rate returns to normal, and you stop shaking – until the next one appears.

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